Find the only remaining N&A steam engine
Travel back in time to visit the only remaining N&A steam engine.... When the Old Dominion Soapstone Company (headquartered in Damon, Virginia) merged into the parent company of the N&A, their engines #1 and #2 came over as the 2nd #1 and 2nd #2 on the N&A roster. The 2nd #2 escaped the scrapyard torch and was saved for what was intended to be a tourist rail line. Imagine my surprise at finding a website with a photo of that locomotive sitting forlorn and without it's water containing saddletank for which the locomotive type was well known to have the additional weight of the tank support tractive effort on the smallest of engines. The locomotive had been outside of the Virginia House Motel in Marion, Virginia but was purchased by Will Harris of the North Fork Lumber Company, Rt. 39, Goshen, Virginia. You can make arrangements to see this engine (it is in STORED CONDITION, not for display of any kind, and is viewable right behind Will's "SHAY") by calling Will at 540-997-5602. Please respect his time. Goshen is in the NW quadrant of the I-81/Westbound I-64 interchange. Coming south from Staunton, VA, you can either exit and drive through Goshen to get there or take the Westbound I-64 route and exit at Goshen ramp.
Look on the website at
Check out the ownership tab at bottom of the page.
Find the remaining N&A diesel engines
Yes, there are remaining diesels, with N&A #1, 44-ton GE unit 30856 suppossedly still active at TTX-Hamburg in Hamburg, SC. I'm checking this out in MAY 2010 for confirmation....
For N&A #2, 35-ton GE unit 31768, it is speculated to continue operations at the Gannt's Quarry, Alabama Georgia Marble site.
N&A #3, 25-ton GE unit 31778, was sold to a company that quickly merged with another company in Ohio and then had the location shutdown right away. Whether the diesel was scrapped or moved to a new site was not known, but the unit had sat idle before being sold from the Georgia Marble Tate, Georgia site to the company in Ohio. See the November 2009 article for the last updates on this.
Previous Note:
Only recently have I found a website with a photo of the only remaining N&A steam engine, 2nd #2, with a brief history of ownership (and an update from this author). and check the ownership tab at bottom of page of click on this link: This notes that the locomotive was on display at the Virginia House Motel in Marion, Virginia; but has since been sold to Will Harris of North Fork Lumber Company, Rt. 39, Goshen, Virginia. He can be reached for arrangement to see this engine (in stored, not display condition and viewable right behind his 'SHAY') by calling and making those arrangements at 540-997-5602. During most recent trip from Illinois to Virginia (and thence to SC), permission was obtained to visit and I have taken many photographs which are now appearing in large Thumbnail format in the Image Repository sidebar item under Goshen engine. I've also requested, but not received permission to post the photograph from the site noted above (permission needed from John Gramling), I will post thumbnail in small format soon until we have permission. See the This Month's Articles - August for the most recent update on the last remaining N&A steam engine. Now, as for diesel, I know as late as 1985, the 2nd #3, a diesel from GE (built January 1953 for the N&A as builders #31778), was on the property at Georgia Marble in none other than Nelson, Georgia (what a coincidence). But more on the last remaining N&A diesel engine(s) later as we review the roster of the N&A as it evolved and show you (in thumbnail manner) as much as we can for each engine. Reminder: N&A only owned a small subset of the locomotive power as the parent company had proper ownership and 'rented' them to the N&A (see their annual reports for this tidbit.)