N&A Modeling Part 2 - June 2015 Article
This Month's Article: June 2015
Modeling the Nelson & Albemarle Railway (Part 2)
It's been almost a year since the first installment of the model train layout was published in this forum. During that time much has happened, but tracks are still not in place though the first rails are scheduled to be put into place in the next two weeks as roadbed is glued down for two main lines and hidden tracks that will have limited access once scenery is fully in place are added. Where we left off last year, the entire third or top level was not yet built and this is my most important section as it represents the N&A from Boiling Spring siding through Esmont, past Guthrie and Alberene cut-off, to Schuyler and Rockfish. This is slated to be the 'master modeler' section of the layout while the lowest level is designed to run four trains on two main line tracks of the C&O Railway. The middle or second level is set as the Southern Railway at Rockfish with most of that trackage hidden by scenery by design showing only the depot area and the lead in track of the N&A. ***
So what really got accomplished over the last 11 months? The top layer was built and installed. The area to be Schuyler was built as part of that construction and put into place over the middle layer hidden tracks. Foam was laid over all areas including the risers leading up to and from the module built as Warren where the interchange exists between the C&O and the Nelson & Albemarle Railway. Plaster cloth was placed over all risers and the entire Warren module. A new siding was added in a 'blind' behind a planned mountain so that extra cars could be stored out of sight but available. A new area representing Scottsville on the C&O line was created to provide access to both this new hidden track and the original hidden storage area already constructed. The viaduct on an exposed part of the Southern Railway middle layer was prepped and painted for installation. Paint was applied in random patterns for the start of scenery in Warren and along the risers to and from the Warren module. An electrical buss was created and installed below the layout to centrally provide both DC and DCC capabilities as both will be utilized. 5 volt power supplies were mounted and separate busses placed in the middle of the layout to provide for general lighting while Woodland Scenic lighting modules were purchased for use in Warren structures and part of Esmont structures. Lastly, floral wire grid was used to create the form for scenery along the 'S' curve leading from Warren to Boiling Spring siding on the N&A from Warren, to the gap area between the top level and the Warren module at what will be the water tower location, and the front mountain edge on the east end of the Warren module that creates the scenic break between that location and what will be Scottsville on the James along the C&O Railway lines. The last scenery item mentioned is also the first focal point a visitor would see when coming into the layout space. *** I'm expecting to see Part 3 of this series before the end of this year where trains will be running on the main level, Warren module will have all structures installed and major scenery will be completed.
Send email to NelsonAlbemarle@comcast.net if you have any comments or questions or wish to contribute to future articles.